Sunday, February 27, 2011

Regal Kitchen Pro Bread Machine K6743 Reviews


It began as an idea to finally make even the immortals in the 10 version of Naxxramas. I just had to find that there are not more success. But the idea of going Naxx was born, from me and a feral druid. And now we wanted to know whether the Naxx bosses also provides for two. With cat and healers, we had a pretty good combination, the cat could also refuel in bear and made pretty good damage. The healer took care of security.

Anub'Rhekan was then in the second experiment, the first failed because of lack of consultation. And slowly pull the boss when his Instektenschwarm and then makes him even to get close to the healer, who does not run away, was not quite so smart. Ok, lesson learned.

The second try was the boss of the tank in the corner and Adds to rangespottet. I had to refuel in the insect swarm phase, the first add yourself as the bear would do nothing, but it was not really dramatic. Was rather dramatic, how this fight went into the length so that we exasperated after the kill realized that we better still to get a DD.

It crashed then a Ele Shaman to us what the widow was also good because it's really harm if it goes into Enrage. Adds that had previously been cut down from the tank lengthens been, so I just had to heal, but while I would not have persevered. The DD was so very useful.

Maexxna annoyed us then with the Einnetzen, so we actually wipten again. Then came a shadow, and this was also the second try, only the shaman Ele-moistened, so that I could deal with well around the tank. The venom of Maexxna still very annoying, makes sure that someone is capable of Dispell it. In our case it made the tank itself.

patchwork erwartunsggemäß was no problem and now was even a magician to do so, we slowly had a really solid group. The ugliest Naxx boss was able to distribute only two diseases, before he fell over.

For glow, we diskutuierten short, what we do with the adds, but then realized, is that tactic was actually superfluous here, since glow died before he could even cast its decimation.

In Thaddius took over the fueling of the one Eleschamane Adds to and during the boss fight we discussed in more quickly when and where to collect Plus Minus itself. And it was enough even for success.

Next, the military wing was in it. The instructor kept us wipte then, which was again mangelder agreement, because no one took the second add. And when the healer was driving the other add, the healing was rather poor. * Cough * In the second experiment with two Adds we managed it with only two deaths ... Here one should really take good care of the aggro.

the next boss we all stood in a chamber and waited, bored from the waves. Just before the boss comes, the gate opens and all the other room is over. Well, short and well, was bombed. The fight was just annoying, as long.

The four riders we had success with, so each was assigned a rider DD and I stood in the middle, and healed them all.

remained the Construct Quarter. North had to ICC-time difficulties in hochzuporten, accordingly, he came to us in not more. Heigan the dance is a joke, the bear just stay standing The fire damage was gegengeheilt and dancing, we did not come anyway. When we tried Loatheb nor the success with the spores and to avoid any AOE, but failed on Lightning Shield of Eleschamane as a spore spawn right next to him. Without lightning shield would have worked, so remember for next time.

Since we were already five people and were only two bosses, we began the Ninja-Invite to the guild success. Finally, we opposed the last two bosses, with nine people, but still just a healer and a tank.

Sapphiron comes with such an occupation is no longer in the phase of flight.

In Kel'Thuzad one must watch the guild success requires not only his death, but also the deaths of 18 monstrosities. Fortunately we had previously looked so our little bear hopped merrily through the room and pulls monstrosities.

Kels skills are in percentage, can not be avoided also. And the ice cube makes percentage damage without healing a dying 85. However, Kel is at the group level so quickly that there would be no drama if the healer had died in the block of ice. And the Adds are more annoying than dangerous.

wares All in all, two very enjoyable hours, which gave me that I was from the beginning, well placed 500g. Every boss drops about 130g and it's worth it in the mass also the Trash to loot. These memories come to wipe hours there. Nostalgia. ;-)


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